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Frequently Asked Questions

How are arrangements made?

Referrals can be made through your Solicitor, CAFCASS, mediator or social worker. We also accept self referrals.


Do my children go out of the centre?

That depends on the individual circumstances and on what has been agreed beforehand by both the parents, in writing, or by the Court.


What will I find there?

The Contact Centre offers a large play area equipped with a variety of toys, games, art and crafts. There is no charge to use the Centre and tea, coffee, squash, fruit and biscuits are available throughout the session. Small voluntary donations towards running costs are always gratefully received. We ask that the parent with whom the child is living introduce the child to the Centre before contact takes place.


Do I meet my ex-partner?

Not if you do not wish to - let your solicitor or the Co-ordinator know and it will be arranged.


What if I can't come?

If you find that you are unable to come as arranged, please try to contact your former partner in advance and let the Co-ordinator know by phoning 07885 624675 and leaving a message.


Are there any rules?

Parents are responsible for the safety and supervision of their children while at the Centre. Children need a familiar face so we ask that you wait with them until your former partner arrives. The Centre has a no smoking, no drugs and no alcohol policy. If you have been drinking before you arrive, we may ask you to leave.


Can I bring my new partner?

We find that it is in the best interest of the children if your new partner does not come into the Centre itself with you, at least for the early visits.

Contact Us

07389 868637

Contact Session Address

St. Stephen's Church

Waterloo Road




Postal Address

Cockle Oast

Hartlake Road,

Golden Green


TN11 0BL


We take your privacy seriously and only use your contact data for the administration of the Tonbridge Child Contact Centre (TCCC).  Data is not passed on for use by third parties whether or not connected with TCCC.  You have rights regarding your data including seeing what data we access and updating our information.

©2020 by Tonbridge Child Contact Centre. Registered charity no. #1184164

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